The Royal National College for the Blind (RNC)
Venns Lane, Hereford, HR1 1DT
For prospective students and families who have a young person with a visual impairment.
Join us for an informative day!
Meet current students and staff
Discuss funding, careers and transitions
Attend lesson drop-in sessions
Tour the campus focusing on our unique programme featuring;
Independent Living Skills, Mobility, ICT, Braille
If you need any help completing this form, please contact the Student Enquiries Team on 01432 376 621 or email
Young Person Details
Accompanying Adult Details
Additional Accompanying Adult (if applicable)
Medical & Mobility Information
Is the young person registered blind or partially sighted? * Required
Other Attendees Mobility Information
Additional Information
Please note that by completing this form your details will be held on our student record system and will be used for the purpose of administration, guidance and monitoring. As part of administration process we will send you information and communication relating to your application and admission. Please see our Privacy Policy on our website