'Have a Go' Weekend Booking Form

Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th October 2024

The Royal National College for the Blind (RNC)
Venns Lane, Hereford HR1 1DT

Click here to read more information about the event.

If you need any help completing this form, please contact the Student Enquiries Team on 01432 376 621 or email info@rnc.ac.uk

  1. The RNC Have a Go weekend is a free event for young people aged 13 to 17 years.
  2. The weekend runs from 11am on Saturday and finishes at approximately 3pm Sunday. It involves one overnight stay in free accommodation for the young person and any accompanying adults.
  3. We would expect the young person to be accompanied by one responsible adult. Additional adults are welcome, as are siblings.
  4. We find that young people have a great time, enjoy getting to know each other and making new friends. Their programme is completely separate from that of the accompanying adults, which gives the latter an enjoyable break and the young people a taste of independence.
  5. The Adults Programme involves several useful Information and advice sessions, and adults are free to enjoy their spare time, maybe exploring Hereford city centre.
  6. All attendees are provided with Saturday lunch, an evening meal on Saturday evening with breakfast and lunch on Sunday.
  7. The young people’s programme often includes an off-campus activity, whilst the adults remain on the College grounds.
  8. Our experienced support team will make sure the young people are kept safe and entertained throughout their stay.

Young Person Details

Accompanying Adult Details

Additional Accompanying Adult (if applicable)

Accompanying Siblings (if applicable)

Young Person Visual Impairment Information
Is the young person registered blind or partially sighted? * Required

Young Person Medical Information

Is the young person able to self-medicate?

Other Attendees Visual Impairment Information

Additional Information

Parental Consent for Medical Attention
I give consent for my child to receive medical attention. * Required

In the event that any young person is injured during any activities, and their parent / guardian cannot be contacted, medical treatment may need to be administered.
Parental Consent for Photography
During the weekend, RNC may be taking photographs and video footage which may be used for promotional literature, including prospectus, website and social media.
I am happy for my child to be filmed and photographed. * Required

Please note that by completing this form your details will be held on our student record system and will be used for the purpose of administration, guidance and monitoring. As part of administration process we will send you information and communication relating to your application and admission. Please see our Privacy Policy on our website www.rnc.ac.uk/privacy-policy.
